Monday, May 21, 2012

Possible Solutions (1)

- Hydroelectric Dams: Hydroelectric power produced by hydroelectric dams accounts for 20% of the world’s total production of electrical energy.  A hydroelectric dam converts the potential energy(and/or kinetic energy) of falling water into electrical energy by means of a turbine and alternator.

Advantages of Hydroelectric Dams:

  • Cheap electricity: The operating cost of a hydroelectric dam is very minimal as there is no costly fossil fuel required. Moreover, life of a hydroelectric dam is much more than that of a thermal power plant.
  • Tourism value: The dam of a hydroelectric power plant can be used as a tourist spot.

Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Dams:

  • Effect on eco-systems: Construction of a dam affects the eco-system (especially water eco-system) of the surroundings. Some species of fishes cannot increase their population because of dams.
  • Green house gas emission: The blocked water in the dam causes generation of green house gas.

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